Today was the last Monday of the 2004/2005 school year. PARTAY!
Only not because I have to study for finals because ALL OF THEM COUNT.
Even though I couldn't check I-Parent because I forgot.
Adam got his license this weekend, and drove over to my house on Saturday to say hey. He got the highest grade all day! I was sososososososo proud of him! Even if he hates me.
My throat still hurts, but I'm less tired. And ALOT more excited!
We're so close. Start the countdown: 4 days.
Oh, and by the way, the shitty pictures on my last entry were taken by KT. The good ones were taken by me. :-)
Your #1 Match: ENFJ
The Giver
You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.
Your #2 Match: ESFJ
The Caregiver
You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.
A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change.
You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project.
You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people.
You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher.
What's Your Personality Type?