[Theoretically, with Madara's power broken and he himself sealed, everyone should be back to normal. However, most of 'everyone' does not have an opportunistic alien virus lurking in the back of their minds waiting for a moment of weakness
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She's not your mother.
[And you can hear the annoyance in his voice. He's been looking for you for three days. He's not in the mood for these games.]
Have you been listening to Valentine? Don't. Mother's call is true.
[But he doesn't seem angry with Riku, just a bit irritated at having to explain this to him. That's pretty good, all things considered. And it's not his fault Madara had him guarding hostages for the past few days.]
[Because he figured he could help free the hostages and help free you at the same time. Two birds with one stone.]
Besides, I'd rather talk to you.
So how did that stone work out for you there, Riku?] But you have my attention.
It missed. Horribly. Thanks for reminding him, you ass.]
Then stop being an idiot and come and talk to me.
I am not being an idiot. Mother is calling to me. If necessary, I will tear the city from its foundations and drag those wretched scientists from their hiding place with my own hands.
We can talk perfectly well over the PCD.
[They all will be.]
Think about that one.
[Now excuse him. He had to go keep Sango from doing something stupid before coming to find you.]
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