(no subject)

Sep 21, 2009 20:41

Note to self: Despite what your typo might want you to think, there is no such thing as "mallware" when dealing with information security and computers. Malware yes, mallware no.

So I am still doing vague plotting for NaNo in a couple months. I've got the main sequence of events in order, as well as some character details (some characters are more chatty than others when it comes to talking about themselves). And then one of my characters takes something I came up with to throw in to some story eventually and claimed that for themselves, so I'm trying to make sense of that new development. Fortunately that character was going to be the focus of the story that comes after the one I plan to do for NaNo, so that's a plus. It also answers a question I'd been trying to answer about that character, so that's also good.

However, I think I'm going to be just a little insane doing NaNo while keeping up with my five classes. Ah well, might as well see how well I can balance a relatively full workload and my writing. It is relevant to my future interests, you see.

Oh, LJ, why do you think I want to inflict ads on people when I have a paid account so I can avoid ads myself? In other words, WTF is this nonsense you call a new feature? At least you had the good sense to not make me have to turn it off myself.

EDIT: Reposting to LJ to get rid of the exploit-added stuff. LJ could kindly tell me what steps I should take to minimize the impact of this privacy breach, but they are lame and do not. There was handy info in the comments of the news post about it, but I am not sifting through 200+ comments just to figure out if there's something I need to do to help protect my account.

life, livejournal, nanowrimo 2009

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