So, where we left off it was Friday in Portland. Let me say this first: Portland's pretty. I still like it more out here, in Southwest Virginia where I live, but Portland would be another nice place to live, I think. The climate, I'm told, is mild the way it's mild here, and apparently also it doesn't snow that much. And, uh, I might have another incentive if I ever ended up with a possible job out that way, but that bit doesn't come up until Sunday's stuff, so that later.
Also, random thoughts re: Portland. Why did no one remind me that Portland is kinda in the area that Oregon Trail ended? Because my hotel? Near the Willamette River. Also in the area? The Columbia River? Sign leading off the highway on the way from the airport? The Dulles. Clearly I need to brush up on my Oregon Trail. Also, Mount St. Helens is off in that neck of the woods, although to my knowledge we didn't see it.
Before I get started with the rundown of Friday, I should note that there was what I referred to as a "knitting convention" in town. The actual name was Sock Summit, but it seemed more like a general knitting (and possibly crochet?) convention. No idea what exactly went on there, but there certainly plenty of random knitters sitting in the lobby when I'd walk through on my way to one wedding event or another.
At any rate, the day started with
Voodoo Doughnuts. Yes, you read that right, and I've also helpfully linked to their website just because. The Voodoo Doughnut pictured on their menu page? Has raspberry filling and a pretzel stake through its heart. Someone out there in LJ/DW-land is probably getting a kick out of that right now. Alternatively, if you want breakfast in doughnut form? You might like the maple glazed with bacon on top doughnut. Seriously, I need to go there myself sometime just to stare at the oddball varieties of doughnut. At any rate, I stuck to a regular old glazed doughnut, the kind like we'd get from Krispy Kreme the morning of Tinker Day. You know, plain doughnut with glaze. Voodoo Doughnuts was better than the Krispy Kreme.
After that, my uncle drove my parents and I up to the
Japanese Garden and the
International Rose Test Garden (again, helpfully linked to their websites). And honestly, this is the part that demanded I post pictures, because I know some of you guys would appreciate these gardens as much as I did. And I'm not even big on gardens in general.
At any rate, the photo albums for the pictures I took here are
here for the Japanese Garden (a couple photos were taken by my Dad, but needed to be shared) and
here for the International Rose Test Garden. The pictures say most of what I want to say about those, but there's one photo from the Japanese Garden with an accompanying story, and that I will share.
Yeah, it's one of those things that go 'donk'. I can never remember the actual name, but that's what it is. Now, I heard it before I saw it, but I have watched enough anime to recognize the sound. So then I looked for and spotted it. I was talking to my parents about it as we watched for it to tip down and go 'donk' again, when a squirrel approaches. The squirrel, as visible in the picture, decides that the water container is perfect to get a drink from. The squirrel does so, until...'donk'. I, uh, I don't think the squirrel had expected that. It skittered away for a moment, then came right back to continue getting a drink.
Post-Gardens was a hike (which I somewhat predictably did not go on) and socializing with an aunt, followed by the Rehearsal Dinner at a pizza place. We had navigation difficulties (mostly due to the bus driver being sure she knew where we were going and us being increasingly certain she was going the wrong way) getting there, but we got there in the end.
Saturday was mostly wedding stuff, so that'll get combined with Sunday's stuff next post.