Another week, another cup of tea, another new episode...
Well, we knew Sokka's better at fishing than Zuko...
Oh, hey, here we have a lovely episode dealing with industrialization causing environmental problems. Also, the episode in which Katara needing to help EVERYONE EVER causes problems. *sighs* She needs to learn that she can't help everyone, even though she wants to.
So this season's crazy old guy: Dock/Shu/Bushi.
*has a brief moment of science geekery when Sokka brings up the 8 minute eclipse thing*
Random observation: the figure of the Painted Lady has a yellow crescent moon on her forehead. On a different note, for a moment I entertained the idea of Katara being the Painted Lady when we heard the bit about bringing the village food, especially since she said she wished she could do more. Then I decided no, that was too obvious. Then they mentioned the healing of the sick people, and I reevaluated the idea, because then it was SO Katara. Even before we saw her putting on the makeup.
Katara did totally miss Sokka's point about how if the Painted Lady leaves, the village would go right back to how it was. Because if she hadn't gone after the factory, it would have, because the pollution would have kept killing the fish and sickening the people.
"I know Hei-Bai. We're close personal friends." Cute, Aang.
*giggles over Toph's purple tongue*
See, backlash-ness. I sense there being an accidental appearance by the Avatar. Aang is being MIGHTY sneaky, though.
Oh hey, there's a random chick in the army.
Random question: why isn't Katara waterbending? Oh, what, brief anti-waterbender backlash? Not impressed.
*giggles over Toph randomly popping out of the crowd.
Summary of what I think the Fire Nation lot were doing this episode: Iroh sitting around in jail, Zuko hanging out with Mai while Azula keeps popping in at inopportune moments, and Ty Lee...continuing to be MIA.