Tutorial n#1

Dec 24, 2008 10:06

Today we'll go from

#00: Choose your base, Crop it
Mine is

#1:Create a new Color Balance layer
Midtones: +38/ -3/ -9
Shadows: +27/ +1/ -4
Highlights: -1/ +3/ -2

#2:Create a new Fill Layer #718b58 - Set it to Soft Light 100%

#3: Add
(credit innocent_lexys) - Set it to Linear Burn 18%

#4: Add
(credit innocent_lexys) - Set it to Soft Light 100%

#5: Add
(credit innocent_lexys) - Set it to Screen 100%

#6: Add
(I made it) - Set it to Soft Light 100%

#7: I added some text (set it to overlay 100%)
, it looks to light to me so i duplicated the text layer - result

#8: Add this texture
(sorry I dunno who made it) - Set it to Screen 100%

DONE!! I'd love to see you results
Feel free to ask any questions
** Results could be different, it depends on the base of your icon
Play with settings

other results with this tutorial

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Take care,

tutorials (icon sized)

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