Feb 06, 2007 19:26

(theres probably more...but i dont remember them all)


Had a dream last night;
started like a team D-match game online, played a female lizard (possible version of dragon self)
It got stranger from there, it started when i stole a chopper that i blew up...oddly repairing itself as soon as i got into the seat, i flew over to a strange area that seemed guarded, suddenly i saw a realy evil wizard person casting a spell, i shot at him but it seemed inifective, then he killed a witch near him and a huge burst of energy sarrouned the area, it brought the chopper down and i landed not far from him, then he suddenly became this huge giant walking sceletal bull that stood on its hinds and had realy nasty claws and sharp bonny wings, it said its name was Ivic or Grordon...dont remember, it slew another witch near it and turned to me, suddenly saying "I must not destroy 'The Queen Witch' _____" i forget what he called me in the blank, but it might have been 'Argaron" Then he ran at me and i ran away, but he fallowed very close behind me, i fired at him with a chaingun but it seemed to do little damage, i came apon a gate which i thrust open, continued running to find a few bodyguards (of mine) and a great sceletal army (aparently also mine) but as i aproched the sceletons turned and fled, aparently away from Ivic, must have been the deads leader, the bodyguards did little to stop him, night began to fall and i receved a comunicay to run into a wheat field, i did, crouched and flead futher, it soon grew realy cloudy and foggy and the creature lost sight of me and howled with rage, i soon came to a field where other witches were, they told me the only real way to kill him was with ghosts...then i woke up...


Mainly had my dragon self take over last night and made me do ...things, mostly stemming from a dream that i, in dragon form had my own cookie company, now feeling stronger feelings about my inner self, also makes me think...


(One other thing)
DisorderRatingParanoid Disorder:HighSchizoid Disorder:LowSchizotypal Disorder:LowAntisocial Disorder:ModerateBorderline Disorder:LowHistrionic Disorder:ModerateNarcissistic Disorder:ModerateAvoidant Disorder:HighDependent Disorder:HighObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate
-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

One last thing...
Got this from Lace:

Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me. It can only be one word.

No more.

Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you
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