I couldn't resist putting this up. It's rather conceited of me, but I think it's a beautiful photo of me. Or, well, of my belly. And hand. And Dan's hand. So I'm putting it up.
It was taken by
deckwane while she was here to help us move, and as you can probably tell, she's a professional photographer. She said that watching my pregnancy has inspired her, and now she's getting a Pregnancy exhibition together. I can't wait to see it, but until then, here's a bit of a sneak preview. ;)
In other news, I finally went out and enrolled at a new University. It seems my pregnancy hasn't only inspired Rory, either, because I've changed my major. Instead of Communications/Journalism, which is what it was, I've decided that what I really want to be is a Doctor. An OB-GYN, to be precise. As such, I'm basically starting University all over again, but it's now big deal. After all, I was only a part-time student in Malaysia, and that was only because I needed something to do in that bloody country, or I would've gone insane, and so I chose Communications/Journalism as my major because, well, that was the best they had to offer, and I figured it might help my figure out what to do. Now I have, and so I've elected a new major , although I don't think I'll start again until next year. Until then, I'm taking an intensive course on Czech, the language, and I have a part-time job at the Russian Embassy, so I won't be totally and absolutely bored out of my mind like I was in Malaysia. Which is definitely a good thing.
P.S. For a random interesting fact, my Czech Name Day ((Nadežda)) is September 17, the day after Taty's due. Taty's Czech Name Day ((Tatána)) is March 29, the day after Dan's birthday. Dan's Czech Name Day ((Daniel -- his doesn't change)) is December 17, supposedly the day after Taty was conceived. Freaky, huh?