I Built This Suit of Armor With Wooden Arms by
spadul [Twilight // Edward Cullen] G; 277 words; Takes place during Twilight.
You’ve spent days and weeks and years and even decades trying to comprehend it. Trying to see if it exists in humanity.
It doesn’t and you laugh at the loose usage of the term ‘humanity’. There’s nothing human about you, especially as your body reminds you again of what you crave. It’s difficult to ignore the burning it leaves in the back of your throat.
Out of all the people in the world, you think. It had to be her. Where’s the equality in that?
You want to get to know her, want to know why you can’t hear what she’s thinking and want to know everything about her. You’ve never felt this way and you shouldn’t feel this way but you want to invade everything about her. But you can’t.
You’ve taken precautions to avoid that very thing. Your armor is in place and it needs to stay that way; one false move could result in the loss of someone’s life.
She looks at you out of the corner of her eye as you enter the room. You don’t see her do it, but you can hear her. You need to be stronger, you know this, but all of your senses are attuned to her.
In a fraction of a second, with just one small whiff of her intoxicating scent, your wall crumbles. Your armor vanishes and your guard is down and you’re at the biggest crossroads of your life and you think you’ve made the wrong decision but it doesn’t matter because it feels more right than anything you’ve ever known.
“Hello,” you say as you sit next to her. “My name is Edward Cullen.”