Nov 16, 2004 22:08
I have my health. I'm not sick in any sort of way, I have all my limbs, no respiratory problems, no STD's, and any physical problems I do have have no major implication on my life. (My throwing arm hurts from time to time((injured it playing football)) and my butt hurts sometimes.)
I'm attending school and am on my way to being a nurse. Attending school is the major focus in my life. I will let nothing stand in my way of completing my education. I currently have not had a grade worse than a 'B' in college...
I'm pretty okay looking. Thanks dad, thanks mom.
I am fully independent, with a few clauses. I don't live at home with my parents. I do need a roommate or two, otherwise I couldn't afford rent, and couldn't go to school.
I have both my parents, one of which cares for my dearly. I love you too dad. They both live in-state and close by.
I have a girlfriend that cares for me, and cares after me. She loves me like I love her. We may not see eye-to-eye every time, but what man and woman does?
I have a kitty. Yup.
Someone once told me that whenever life gets to me, to look at everything I do have, then you'll realize that everything really isn't that bad.
I have been very lucky in life to be where I'm at. I really hope that this luck continues for as long as I live.