Pain just go away.

Dec 16, 2010 22:22

Title: Pain go away.
Rating: PG14
Summary: Yunho just wants the pain to go away.
Warnings: Mentions of suicide? Attempted suicide?
Paring: YunJae/Jaeho, but it's Yunho centric.
Length: 2/?

Previous chapter

When Yunho woke out of his dark world, he cringed as the bright lights hit directly in his eyes.

"Hey," a familiar voice spoke out next to him.

Yunho turned to look at Changmin. Confused.

"Where am I?," he asked.

"Hospital," Changmin answered flatly.
"Hos-" Yunho's eyes widen, "-pital."

"Yes. I know what you did I was the one who brought you here."

Yunho flushed bright pink at his weakness. "I am so sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking," he shook his head disappointed in himself.

"The migraines were coming and I was in no mood to deal with the pain. I just wanted my head to numb..."

"Still that didn't give you the right to do what you did!," the younger one snapped.

Changmin took a deep breath. Swallowing his anger.

"I know. I am sorry, I know you are frustrated with me right now."

Changmin twisted on his seat. Running a hand through his hair.

"Not you. You are not the one I am frustrated at. Your lover is the one. I am sorry for lashing out at you like that," he apologized sincerely.

Yunho raised an eyebrow.

Changmin ignored him.

"He has been calling this last three days since you were out, but I have been ignoring his calls."

"Chang-" Yunho began.

"That fucker scared the shit out of me when he came banging on the door at 1 in the morning!" Changmin said, amused, as he shook his head.

"Did someone-"

"No," Changmin interrupted quickly, "the security happen to be walking by there and he dragged Jaejoong out."

"Did you see?"

"No. I didn't answer the door. I just heard the commotion; boy was Jaejoong cussing."

"Changmin," Yunho warned as he saw a smirk tugging at the end of Changmin's lips.

"Okay, okay," Changmin raised his hands in surrender. "You just woke up. Are you hungry?"

Yunho's answer was cut of when the door slammed open and a few struggling nurses.

"You can't be in here." One of them yelped. "It's only one visitor at the time!"

"What do you think you are doing here?"

Changmin asked coldly, his amusement replaced with hate. He stood up, blocking Yunho like a mother lion protecting her cups, ready for a fight.


AN: What do you girls think? I love how I wrote Changmin here. Since he is a grown man now, I will make him act like a mature man :P No more cute Changmin for me. Hm? Who could be the person barging in like that? I guess you will have to wait and see~ Comments? They feed me :)

fanfiction, yunjae

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