(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 21:08

i need to go away. far far away to stop and think about the world and the critters crawling around in it.
i need to write letters to all the people i have things to say to, but will never tell them. i'll write the letters and then burn them, letting the ashes fall into the river. then the river will drink up the words and one day, that person or those people will be sitting by the river, watching the waves softly crash into the wall, and they will read the words i had to say. and they will understand.
i still wish we were all honest with each other. honesty has somehow turned into insensitivity and bitchiness, when really its one of the nicest things you can do for a person. but people are for some reason offended by it. they're just afraid of what they really are. well, toughen the fuck up, because i'll tell it like it is, and if you cry about it i'll just kick you in the shins.
today is march 27. if things are taking the course they are at the moment, i will be living in gainesville and taking classes 3 months from now. 3 months. that's not enough time for me to grow up. i had plans. fuck you for ruining them.
i miss my best friend. and the other half of my brain. the only good day of my spring break was wednesday. it enlightened me, it gave me hope, and it cleansed me. i need that again. i need it every wednesday. wednesday. the day of my birth. you and i should have a birthday party every wednesday. for the rest of our lives.
my face feels like its going to slide off my skull and plop into my lap, where it will stare up at me and laugh. it just did that.
i'm going to stop whining and complaining and go make something better out of my life.
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