It's been a long time since our last meet yeah..
I felt like times goes by faster than before..
After i heard u will marry someone. That was a great annoucement i heard recently..
And i was like "aaaahhhh u jumped me out!!"
U told me the time when he proposed something to you that makes you okay-ing his offers. "It's not easy to say yes" i know that..
I will be freezing at that time i guess..
Cant breath for a moment and shup my mouth up tightly as i heartbeating roughly on my chest..
Okay at the end rampage been so interesting one to watch.. bcs there's a george in there haha..
I really appreciate it much..
**Felt sleepy after watching.. gomen**
**And the we have our late dinner together ^^**
Love you all, y'all are saikou!!