flip-sides of the same narrative

Apr 09, 2013 18:23

Dear various community college faculty and staff,

Please stop fawning at my undergrad institution and implying that I can do everything I want in life when you hear about my background. Shitty economies affect everyone who's not Mitt-Romney rich in some way or another, even people with a lot of "good" education. (Read any stories about the plight of humanities PhDs lately?) If what you really mean to say is "check your privilege, you're way ahead of most people here" I'll concede that point, but I wish you would say that outright.

Dear Bryn Mawr,

Your webinars about "marketing yourself for senior level careers" are equally offensive.

God, why does my job-search narrative remind me of the dreaded geek "nice guy"trying to date? "I'm a nice candidate, hire me" is not an effective strategy, but it's basically what I have.
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