[OOC] Uh

Mar 02, 2010 21:56

College is going to kick my ass a lot more than I thought this semester, so I'm becoming a weekend warrior until . . . the semester ends, probably. Which means this is a permanent semi-hiatus that might improve into a full hiatus at any time. I might thread here and there during the week, but I can't really make any promises and I'm sure I'm going to be tagging around a lot less now. However, I'm still picking up threads from the Being Human cast intro and a few more whenever I have free time, but I don't have a lot of that, either.

I STILL WANT TO PLAY WITH PEOPLE. So please, please, if you want to thread with me just email me or poke me on gchat if you see me around. I only ask you to understand I might be slow and distracted. If that's all right, then you're free to poke the hell out of me (aurynluna at gmail), and I would love you more for it. I won't be in chan anymore unless it's a weekend and I'm not even sure of that, so that's the best way to reach me.

This affects Serph, Otani Atsushi, Miyamoto Shinobu, Dio, Spock, Flynn Scifo, and Annie.


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