Jun 23, 2005 20:38
so0o school is out for the year and i must say that its been a veryyy interesting year... so much stuff has happend some for the good and some for the not so good... over all i made some pretty good friendships this year which i'm very happy about..which is nice.. i must say thoguh that almsot everyone has changed this year and i woudlnt say that its been for the good.. well besides danielle (madd props to danielle)! i think almsot everyone has done soemthing this school year that they neevr thoguht they were goign to do this year.. i for one can say that i've changed a lot some of it has been a very good change and some of it hasnt been a good change... i think i've grown up some since he beginning of the year and i think i've learned a lot.. would i eevr want to re-live this school year over? it woudl prbably be the last thing i would want to do..becasue jsut so0o much shit happend but what can ya do life goes on adn all you can do is learn from eevrythign and i guess thats what i'm going to have to do.. the best thing about this year thoguh i woudl have to say is making really good friends with some peope that i woudlnt really expect to have become really good friends with i soudn liek a fag but whatevaaa
i'm so0o excited that summer is here and i dont have to worry about school its so0o nice.. shoooot