If you want to add me:
Why I should add you:
You must add me first before I add you.
Do not steal my graphics; I work hard on them.
Do not make fun of me or my friends; We totally pwn you, and you know it.
DO NOT MAKE FUN OF GREEN DAY OR ANYTHING ELSE I LOVE; If you do, I'll kick you where it hurts.
You must have at least one thing in common with me; I'm not gonna talk to someone who doesn't share the same interests.
Do not add me if you'll never ever comment; That's not cool.
Now, sometimes I do not comment entries, and that's because I'm either: a) too busy with something in my boring life, b) too lazy that day, c) I'm grounded from the computer, or d) I'm on Photoshop creating things for you all. If you really want me to comment one of your entries, tell me with a comment on one of my entries.
Now, I must tell you that I have a very wide range of music. I'll listen to almost everything. Except hip-hop and that shit. I don't enjoy it. So don't label me punk, goth, emo, or whatever else you think of.
I also have many different fandoms, and depending on them I will change my layouts and such plenty of times.
If we never talk, like, ever, I will do a friends cut and you will be deleted.
Thanks. [: