Character Survey of DOOM

Jun 26, 2009 09:57

Name: Kotomi Ichinose
Age: 16
Birthdate: May 13th
Birthplace: Oxford, England
Languages spoken: English, Japanese, French

Bloodtype: A
Height: 160 cm/5'3 ft
Weight: 48 kg/106 lbs
Dominant Hand: Right
Hair: Dark blue/violet
Eyes: Violet
Skin: Pale
Other features: Always wears her hair in partial-pigtails tied with baubles

Occupation: Student
Residence: A large house in Oxford, England

Childhood: See her profile.
Educational background: She went to a Muggle elementary school, and is currently entering her 6th year at Hogwarts.
Religious background: Nothing serious- she just listened to what her parents told her about God and automatically believed them.
Political background: Pretty much none.
Financial background: She inherited all of her parents' money and property, so she's independently wealthy.

Proud of: Her parents and their accomplishments
Regrets: Her last words to her parents, burning their papers
Greatest lessons: Never be selfish and never put yourself before the people you love, because you can lose them at any moment.

Driving force(s): See her regrets, and her belief God won't forgive her for them
Ambitions: To duplicate her parents' research and become a good person
Currently wants: To accomplish her ambition by studying a lot, to get to know the people she's been talking to more
Currently needs: Friends to help break her out of her shell and expose her to the world
Life philosophy: Studying a lot will make her a good person
Self image: A bad person who must redeem herself

Dominant character traits: Shyness, intelligence
Myers-Briggs group: ISFP
Alignment: Neutral Good
Learning style: She learns best through reading and repetitive studying.
Intuitive/reasoning: Reasoning
Optimist/pessimist: Pessimist
Tense/relaxed: Tense
Serious/carefree: A strange combination of the two
Leader/follower: Follower
Organized/messy: Organized
Fight/flight: Flight

Methods of coping: Hiding behind people, retreating into books
Amused by: Bad jokes
Saddened by: Her parents
Angered by: ...Not much
Shocked by: Almost any social activity
Offended by: People insulting violin playing
Annoyed by/pet peeves: When people react poorly to her own violin playing
Frightened by: Flight, airplanes, crashes, bullies, when people she cares about get hurt

Physical strengths: She can sit in awkward positions and experience no discomfort, and can carry large amounts of books.
Physical weaknesses: She's not athletic at all.
Mental strengths: Incredibly book smart, photographic memory
Mental weaknesses: Totally social fail, strange lines of thought, terrible at jokes
Emotional strengths: Good at hiding her feelings
Emotional weaknesses: Easily frightened, bad at taking initiative

How strong are their opinions? Very strong, but she keeps them private.
How forceful are they about them? Not at all
Prejudices/biases: She automatically thinks anyone's she hasn't talked to yet is a bully.

Controversial opinions:
Thoughts on romance/sex: Um. I think she doesn't really understand the concepts of dating and physical intimacy. In her mind, if she's able to talk to and be near the person she loves, that's all she wants.
Thoughts on drinking/drugs: Pffffft. She wouldn't dare.

The best thing they or another person could possibly do: Reveal that she never actually destroyed her parents thesis
The worst thing that they or another person could possibly do: Damage books, hurt her friends

Hobbies: Reading, playing the violin

Food/drink: She likes pretty much all kinds of holiday food. I also see her as liking apple juice, for some reason.
Colour: Dark blue
Books: "The Dandelion Girl" by Robert F. Young (technically a short story but still)
Music: Classical music
Things to watch (TV, theatre, etc.): TV, especially comedy shows
Weather: Clear skies
Time: Early afternoon
Holiday: New Year's
Place: It used to be her backyard garden.
Animal: Rabbits, but she likes anything small and fuzzy
Plant: California poppies
Academic subject: Transfiguration, herbology
Sport/game: She doesn't have one.

Least favorite...
Colour: Red
Books: None
Music: Anything loud and screamy
Things to watch (TV, theatre, etc.):
Weather: Cloudy without rain
Time: Night
Holiday: She doesn't have one.
Place: Now it's her backyard garden.
Animal: Porcupines
Plant: Venus flytraps
Academic subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Sport/game: She's not a big fan of sports in general, but there's no one she hates.

Spends money on: Books
Daily rituals: Reading and trying to find anything that mentions her parents
Dress (style, colors): When not in her uniform, she wears shin-length dresses with a high waistline and very flow-y.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): Probably vanilla
Eating habits: She makes her own food, and it's usually a well-balanced meal.

Speech patterns:
Cute quirks: You might consider any of the below cute.
Bad habits: Asking people she first meets if they're bullies
Nervous tendencies: When introducing herself, she speaks as if reading a script and always says the same thing.
Etc.: She uses non-verbal indicators a lot when interacting with people, and occassionally just stare blankly at them in response.

Most important people: Deceased

Love interest(s): In the visual novels, Tomoya Okazaki. In SH, none
Lust interest(s): Kotomi is as pure as newly fallen snow. I'm pretty sure she has no concept of lust.
Close friends: At this point, Chie and Matthew are probably the closes she has.
Other friends: Maora, Professor Ein
Acquaintances: Ella, Tsuna
Disliked people: 'The bad man'
Enemies: None

Family members: Deceased
Family history: Unknown
Relationship with family: Deceased
Future family (kids etc.): None

Kinsey rating: 0, bordering on X
Marital Status: Single
Romantic/sexual history: Nonexistant.
Turn-ons: Oh god, the thought of Kotomi + sex is just so...
Turn-offs: See above.
Kinks: See above.

Treats people: Very nicely and generously, if she every is able to talk to them.
Likes in a person: Being kind and calm
Dislikes in a person: Aggressive behavior, rudeness
Wants to be seen as: Not a bully target

Advice that you, the mun, would give them: Don't sit in such awkward positions, it's bad for your knees. (I'd give more meaningful advice, but that'll come in time anyway.)
Would they get along with you? I'd like to think so.
The most awesome thing they've done: Conquering her fears of being around a lot of people to give a violin concert (even if it did knock out most of the audience).
The time you wanted to slap them the most: Actually, never.
What would be the most awesome AU ever for them? *shrug?* A world in which music can be used as a weapon?
Boxers or briefs? A girl, sooo... yeah.
If they were in a 70s shoujo manga, how much would they sparkle? Oh, tons.

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ooc, meme

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