Phase [Code Geass, NC-17]

Feb 14, 2009 10:45

Code Geass // Lelouch/Suzaku, NC-17
1612 words
springkink's Valentine's kink meme. Prompt: shock collar (R1 timeline). Post Operation Rescuezaku. Let's act like the conversation at the end of episode four doesn't happen at all, okay? Okay. For the record, I am totally aware that this is so stupid, bwaaaa.

Warning for TOTAL WEIRDO dub-con.

Honor, Suzaku remembered, was the very heart of the Japanese spirit. Pride was in his blood, was his backbone. He could feel the little resistance force staring at him, his muscles tense under the weight of their gaze as he followed in Zero's wake. He fought the flush that rose on his neck and he did not look back at them. He schooled his breath and held his head high, his steps sure, and he kept his eyes on Zero. But he couldn't block their voices. They were all disbelieving and excited, suspicious of him and yet so hopeful that it ached. The little boy in him wanted very much to melt into the floor. He straightened his back and concentrated on his steps.

Zero pulled one of his new lieutenants close and spoke to him, gesturing toward Suzaku; the man looked at his face, and then his gaze dropped, and Suzaku suddenly felt the weight of the shock collar around his neck like it was going to overbalance him, make him fall to his knees. The man finally nodded and gave Suzaku a curious look before he set off. Zero turned to Suzaku and beckoned, leading him away.

When they were alone in a long hallway, Zero said, "He will join us in a moment and remove--that." He waved a hand over his shoulder in a vague gesture at Suzaku's neck. Suzaku nodded, even though he knew Zero couldn't see it.

The room looked like one used for interrogations. There was a table and two chairs across from each other, the walls unpainted and bare. Zero did not move to sit and he didn't offer the chair to Suzaku. He shut the heavy metal door behind them, leaned against the wall across from him, crossed his arms and said nothing. The silence stretched out between them and Suzaku finally shifted and cleared his throat. Zero was silent, and Suzaku tried not to frown and mostly failed, his skin beginning to crawl. He could feel Zero's eyes on him even through the mask, and he finally just thinned his lips and straightened his spine, carefully fixing his eyes on a point on the wall.

He was beginning to slip into a half-doze, his tired muscles trembling a little all over, when Zero finally said, "You're their hero." His voice was sure, smirking.

"I'm not--" Suzaku began, and then the collar crackled to life, sending a shock into his nerves. He jerked in surprise and pain, his stance breaking as he reflexively reached for the heavy metal around his neck.

Zero gave a low laugh, shifting to put one hand on his hip. "You are," he said. "I'm sure you heard them." He gestured toward the door. "They want you here."

Suzaku shook his head, drawing a deep, controlled breath. He wasn't playing this game. His chest hurt, his pulse shuddering with the aftereffects of the shock. It was stupid to forget about the collar. If he looked at his fingers, he thought they would probably have a palsied tremble to them. (But he wasn't going to look, because then he would give this man the satisfaction of leverage, of seeing that weakness.)

There was a long moment of silence, and then Zero laughed again, stepping forward and to the side. "That's fine. You can listen." Suzaku didn't turn to follow his movement, standing still and praying that someone came soon. Zero's steps were lazy and slow behind him and then he spoke again. "They don't care about your rank, you know. It's your name that means something." Another step. "All it would take is one fight, and they would make you a commander." Suzaku focused on the sounds that came from the hallway behind and thought absently that Zero was wrong. "I would make you my commander," Zero purred, close to his ear, and suddenly, it was very hard to focus on anything at all.

Gloved fingers passed through the hair at the base of his skull in a grazing touch that made Suzaku jump, ducking his head in surprise. He opened his mouth to protest, but before he could form a word, Zero hooked his finger in the collar and pulled at it gently. "Ah," he said, his voice chiding. "None of that." He tugged on the collar again and then released it, his fingers coming up to push at Suzaku's chin until his mouth closed.

There was something about Zero that was very, very strange. The way he spoke, the way he moved. He was human, he was male, he was a person who hid behind the lie of the mask, and it was strange because the lie wore thin and tickled at the back of Suzaku's mind, weird and insistent, too vague for him to know what it was. Zero shifted forward and planted a hand against Suzaku's chest and pushed until he was forced to take a step back, and then another. "Britannia doesn't deserve you," he said, his voice low. "You are too strong for them." Suzaku's shoulders met the wall and they stopped. Zero paused, and then he withdrew his hand. "Join me," he said (ordered, like some haughty child, like--).

Suzaku drew a deep breath, glaring at the mask. "No," he said, and flinched as another electric shock crackled and spat at his neck. "They--you--fight dirty," he managed over the collar's shock, and pressed a hand to his chest, panting. His neck felt burned and raw, and he could smell the electricity.

There was a long moment of silence, and then Zero reached out a finger and touched it gently to his face, tracing the line of bruises along his cheekbone, the scrape and scuffs courtesy of Britannia's interrogation team. "I haven't fought dirty yet, Private Kururugi," he said, his fingers trailing down to tap the shock collar. Suzaku looked steadily at him, his hand still pressed flat over his heart and its shuddering rhythm, and said nothing.

Zero grabbed at his shoulder and spun him around, crushing his front to the wall. Suzaku slapped his palms against the cinder block before he could knock his chin or his nose, and then a hand grabbed at his chin and two fingers forced their way inside his mouth, weight pushing relentlessly at his back. Zero nudged his feet further apart and squeezed his jaw, fingers pressing against his tongue. As another hand crept around Suzaku's middle, he had the presence of mind to think, This is bizarre, and then Zero was palming his cock through his clothes, hard and insistent, and sliding a knee along the inside of his thigh.

Suzaku's breath hitched and he arched his back as Zero's fingers played over the crotch of the prison uniform, his cock stiffening under the attention. Zero's other hand held his face tightly, fingers heavy on his tongue. He tried to form speech anyway, half-gagging against Zero's fingers, and then Zero closed his hand full-on over his groin, and he jerked. "No sound," Zero whispered by his ear. "Can you keep quiet, hmm?"

He didn't reply, but he closed his lips around Zero's fingers and was rewarded with a hissing breath and a roll of hips against his ass. He memorized that line of contact between them, his mind carefully filing away facts (thin, almost delicate, all jutting hips and skinny chest, proud line of shoulders and chin, long fingers, long legs) as Zero's hand slid inside the prison uniform and touched skin. He could feel a sort of strength in Zero's body, in his insistence, but he knew that even after being dragged through Britannia's interrogation system, confined, thrown off the bridge and that damnable collar throwing him all off-balance, he was the stronger. His hands were unbound, pressing flat against the wall before him, and Zero was physically weaker, but he didn't try to break away as Zero's fingers wrapped around his cock and fisted him off, fast and rough.

He arched against Zero's body and gasped around the fingers in his mouth, feeling Zero grind against his ass, the hard edge of an erection pressing against him. Zero's panting breath by his ear was harsh and wordless, without the sentient edge of speech.

Suzaku came in a fast rush of wet heat, his whole body flushing, and he let out all his breath in whispered curse that the collar couldn't catch. He sagged forward, and when Zero's hand relaxed and released his jaw, pulling his fingers from his mouth, Suzaku could feel spit smeared across his chin. He turned as Zero's other hand retreated from his stained pants, and Zero was half-slumped, shaking hands fumbling at the fastenings of his pants, the bulge of his erection obvious.

Suzaku stepped forward and reached out to press his hand against it, slipping his knee between Zero's legs. Zero froze, and Suzaku leaned in. "Don't tease me," he whispered, giving a squeeze. Zero made a strangled sound and started to reach out--

And then the door opened, and one of the fighters was standing there, a pair of industrial wire-cutters in hand. He stopped dead and stared, and Suzaku flushed, his ears burning, and stepped away. He could feel the marks of fingers on his face, the cooling wet in his pants. He hastily wiped at his mouth and tried to stand at an angle that didn't make anything too obvious.

"You're late," Zero said stiffly, drawing himself up with great dignity.

fic, : nc-17, ; kink meme, . code geass

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