(no subject)

Feb 07, 2011 23:37

We just saw a Kia commercial where the car, driving down the road, is first clamped onto by some kind of magnetic (?) thing dangling from a helicopter, flown out to sea and past a cruise (?) ship, whereupon a giant CG Neptune/Poseidon kind of figure rears up out of the ocean and grabs the car in his hand, but aliens take it away in their tractor beam.

Or something. I mean, by any measure, WTF, right? ("Optima: No ordinary sedan" was the tagline, I think. Uh. Yeah, I guess it's not?) I said we ought to go to Korea and see what was in their rice because clearly there was some kind of problem.

But the thing that really made me LOL was that as the helicopter flew in and got a grip on the car, that was when they put up the tinytext "Do not attempt" warning.

Do not attempt?!
Just how the fuck would I attempt anything that happened in this commercial?!

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