omg. I am so up-to-here with this.

Feb 27, 2008 12:05

Cute. MetroFi has apparently decided that to connect you now must download and install an "MSN SideGuide", which from the tiny pictures I assume is where they want to place the ads (and take up sizable screen real-estate to do it, I might add; it seems bigger than the banner across the top was). I guess they got wise that people were blocking their JavaScript-inserted ones. Heaven only knows what tracking they would be doing with it. Also, XP SP2 and Vista only, so sorry, Dad, with your Win98 machine.

Yeah, well, you doods can forget that.

Ugh. The lack of broadband here is getting stupid. Sharing a dial-up account between three people is just not on (I know from experience). I know my internet appetites are stupidly huge, but my mother's and father's have grown as well, especially since my dad is trying to give up the newspaper (which he derides, rightly, as being mostly crap and advertising these days) by getting news online. I was so happy when we finally got MetroFi working over a year ago. Now we're pretty much down to satellite and that's only if we decide to get satellite TV, which is the kind of decision the wheels turn very slowly on in this household.

*sigh* I guess maybe we should buy a second dial-up account. Then at least two of us could be online at once, since we have two phone lines. Wow! $40 a month (between them) for 56k! That sounds so reasonable in this day and age!

rant, grr, headdesk, wtf

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