(no subject)

Apr 04, 2017 12:34


Count me among those very troubled by LJ's new user agreement. It's not surprising that it happened, but... yeah. I was not thrilled with the situation since January but now I'm feeling a rather stronger urge to up stakes entirely. At the very least, in the short term I am seriously considering stopping crossposting or at least turning off commenting.

I'm not sure what to do about the LJ community I own, though. I'm sure there are tools to just export it to a static file, but what I would really like is to import it to the DW community of the same name. I don't own that community, though, and despite poking
elven_ranger about it a few times the agreed-upon transfer just has never happened. So I'm torn over maybe creating a new DW community just for a landing place, or what.

In other news, since Verizon and Yahoo closed their deal, I'm now also more acutely concerned about how to back up archives of Yahoo groups. I can't imagine that service is long for this world.

This entry was crossposted from http://arethinn.dreamwidth.org/1847412.html, where there are
comments. Please comment on Dreamwidth if you can!

lj-specific, teh intarwebz

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