You may take credit all you like, but you know damn well I had influence over Captain Absolutely Nothing's demise. I'll dutifully take second degree. *smirks*
Bob's not exactly a parvenu in the sense of being fresh or innovative. You've something of a taste for the prehistoric. I hear this Mozart fellow is quite fetching.
I swear you do this just to screw with our betting pool to see when you actually cut JP2's thread... we get all hopeful every time we see celebrity deaths, now.
Well, not to tip the scales or anything, blondie, but... he does play a mean game o' canasta... but he is losin' his touch in his old age. Last time he kept shoutin' out "Kyrie Eleison! Christe Eleison!" every ten minutes! It was freakin' me out... though I don't put it past that old bastard do it on purpose to throw me off. Crusty old Polack...
Easy now, Lady Fatey -- Bards are mine, especially those of Gaelic and Cymric descent, which Sieur Dylan most assuredly is. Original or un, he's mine until I give him up. And that goes double for you, Ares.
You do whatever it is about inspiration or perspiration or whatever artsy fartsy nonsense that you wanna do - but when it's time for cuttin' threads, to quote one of Klotho's little rap singers, "boys, boys, all type-a boys, black, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys..."
You can do yer artsy stuff - but when it comes to the snip snip, I'll snip as I please!
Psh... just cause you can play a passable game o' bingo's no reason to get all uppity...
Heart attacks ain't your problem.
Well, except when somebody has one 'cause they see their house or business all smashy-smashy from a bomb or somethin', but that's a different story.
You're lucky I like you, fancypants. Maybe I'll put a hit out on that Bob Dylan hoodlum...
Young upstarts all trying to work against the ways of things...
Just you leave the grand schemin' to the grown-ups, sweet cheeks, and just worry your pretty little head about the bombs and things.
Don't answer that.
Anyway, 'Khesis is the one that kept you offa him... it's all a part o' his Purpose. Besides, he's got plenty of agape!
Though he is a damned good canasta player, and we can't have you muckin' it all up with mushy stuff...
*Presents tongue.*
You do whatever it is about inspiration or perspiration or whatever artsy fartsy nonsense that you wanna do - but when it's time for cuttin' threads, to quote one of Klotho's little rap singers, "boys, boys, all type-a boys, black, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys..."
You can do yer artsy stuff - but when it comes to the snip snip, I'll snip as I please!
Psh... just cause you can play a passable game o' bingo's no reason to get all uppity...
Someone remind me who's house poker's at this week?
I think it's the perfect time for a Goddesses-only Road Trip. You in, Atropos? Isis? Anyone else?
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