Oct 06, 2010 20:40
So it is so funny to see that i have decided to write an update only to see everyone else is frantically updating as well! That is cool; I will simply add to this rush of livejournal writing. So:
1. As my friends screaming hoards of adoring fans on FaceBook already know, I had a very incredibly delicious lunch today. I sauteed mushrooms in butter and added Worcestershire sauce when they were almost done. While this was going on, I toasted slices of bread with cheddar cheese on one side. Then I put the mushrooms on, put the tops on the sandwich, and ate it and wept with joy because suddenly I realized that there are forces beyond my reckoning who truly love me and want me to see the beauty in this world I all too often detest.
2. BEFORE this happened, I went to the gym. I was punching a bag and misstruck. Now my middle knuckle is three times the size of the others and blue. It is gross, but it is not broken.
3. I also cut myself at work the other night and yelled JESUS CHRIST! in range of everyone eating. My finger bled profusely for several minutes.
4. Also at work: so my boss is sexually harassing me. Not like, "Hey you're looking good tonight," though there is that too. No more like, last night he ran his hand down my stomach with I was trying to get some food. I jumped out of the way and yelled, "Sorry!" and tried to avoid him for the rest of the night. Seriously, like what the fuck, how is it that wherever I go, I'm eternally trapped in the 1950's? I mean, this guy owns the restaurant so there is no one I can complain to, and I'm afraid he'll fire me if i tell him to back off. So I guess i just hope to avoid him and hope things...blow over. On the bright side(?) someone told he hits on the new girls and eventually he'll ask me out and I'll have to say no. He still might try to goad me into his back office or some other gross situation, but he doesn't fire girls that reject him. Great. (BTW, he's fat and 50 and ugly.)
5. I'm looking for another job.
6. I'm hoping this will be more of a 9-5 job so that i will have weekends off to come up and visit everyone!!! That is my goal now. It may be unattainable, but who knows. Most people around here are like, "Excel? Whu the hell's that, sum kahnda drug for yer nerves lahk mah cousin takes?" So you know, my chances are all right for landing behind a desk.
7. I finished House of Leaves today. On an unrelated note, I'm thinking sleep is sort of a silly thing, I might just give it up, take up gun collection, halogen lamps and crying soft sobs of terror instead. Or WOW. you know, it's up in the air.
8. Speaking of gun collection, I'm going to the rally to Restore Reason and I'm thinking of making a sign that says, "Support the 2nd Amendment (In Case of a Zombie Attack)". Because it's time people were more reasonable about the severe risk we face of a zombie attack, and i think this rally is a good platform on which to bring up the subject.
9. Got my STUFF! My sewing machine is back in my possession and ready to be used mercilessly!!!i'msoexcited.
In all things are going well. I was in really good mood all day today. i am pretty optimistic about finding a better job and possibly volunteering at the local high school if nothing pans out, and I've been staying busy going to the gym and working with my horses when I'm not at Extremely Uncomfortable Sucky job.