Drabble: Still Life

Apr 22, 2009 17:05

annegables   reminded us how beautiful the episode Passion was/is in her review forfantas_magoria  this week.

Joss and his crew really excelled with this one, which also inspired me to write this drabble. How heartbreaking, and beautiful, was the scene where Giles comes home to find Jenny, dead in his bed.

Still Life

Angelus doesn’t have a soul, but he has the body’s previous tenant’s leanings. The demon appreciates art in any form. It can lose itself in the music and the dance. Angelus was known to cry at the ballet, once. It admires the way light and shadow can be captured on canvas. And not just on canvas. Angelus thinks life is a theatre, and death its stage. The symmetry of a corpse laid out in all its splendour, waiting to be discovered: the subsequent outpouring of grief is pure poetry. Angelus smiles as he lays down the last rose.


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