Friends Cut!

May 19, 2005 06:14

First off, I did a friends cut. It was just too much on my friends page to read and just...gah! So I only kept the people whose entries I never skip over (or the people I know in real life). If you wanted to stay on it, just yell at me and I'll put you back on.

Finals are over (yay!), but I have to say I'm rather disappointed at my lack of free time. I was planning on being able to chill a bit before leaving for Italy, but now I have two church jobs (which will be nice cause I need the money, I'm just being lazy hehe) and two full concerts(which I also need the money from)...and also I'm finishing up teaching for the semester and I volounteered to help out with MMPAC's dance recital at the Weinberg at the end of May and I have to pack and I have a ton of music to learn still....gah. Stress. Once I get back from Italy will be great...I only have one concert I'll have to sing and that one will pay well, and then later in July is MMPAC's summer musical theater camp I'm helping with, which will also pay I'm going to try to live off of that money through the summer so I don't have to teach again until the fall semester starts up because I REALLLLLLY need a break from everything. Once the camp is over I'll have a few weeks to just do NOTHING except go on vacation with Chris until school stars up again. Yay. :)

Right now I'm hauling ass to lose some weight before Italy. I was so busy this spring I never really got up to speed (no pun intended) with running again and now, a mere two weeks away from leaving, I'm getting a little anxious about sporting a little bikini on the beaches of Italy with all of those goooooorrrgeous Italian girls everywhere. I'd like to feel moderately good about how I look! So I'm doing a lot of exercising and trying to stick to lowfat/nonfat food...I don't want to go overboard and get obsessed with it again tho and I'm not even sure how much I can accomplish in two weeks, but I figure something is better than nothing :)

Guess that's about it for now...hope everyone else is doing well! Muah!
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