these lames is fucking up the game.........

May 06, 2005 22:34


so i cant go to fau yet because i dont have a foriegn language credit so im going to bcc courses first,im gunna go there monday morning before work real early and sign up for a few things,.....oh well i guess fau are the ones missing out :-/

shit that pisses me off:

1.sea shell necklaces on men,also anyone over 9 with a shark tooth on a string as their necklace,grow the fuck up you loser

2.people who wait a long ass time for a book they want to read to come out in paper back,so they can save a few bucks

3.people who dont tip well,note:these are always the ones that expect the best of service

4.people who get a nice outfit and then wear it constantly to the point it no longer even catches anyones attention

5.people who only turn to religion when they need something lmao im sure your first on the list for a miracle

6.pencils that have erasers that leave a big black mark across the paper anmd make it look worse then the minor error it erased

more to come......

this guy john i work with:be sure not too stack those cans on the top shelf to high
me: why, so people dont knock them over?
this guy john i work with:no,so they dont fall and knock people over
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