The case of the missing case

Mar 17, 2011 10:55

I purchased a reburbished iPad 1 recently. It's been fun playing with it, but I've been getting increasingly annoyed that the case I purchased with it, which was supposed to ship separately, still hasn't arrived.

Today I spoke to people at Apple, DHL Express, DHL Global Mail, the Circle City USPS post office, the IUPUI main post office, and the people in my department and every other department in the building who receive mail. By all accounts this package was delivered on Saturday (despite the fact that the campus doesn't receive mail on Saturday). The person who handles mail for our department even thought she remembered it, though I also got another package this week.

Having talked to all those people and scoured our mail room, I came back to my office to report to Apple that it was missing, only to discover it sitting in my office underneath the other package I received this week.

I have no memory of picking up this package, but I wouldn't put it past me to have done so and completely forgotten about it. When I am in flow, I do things and don't necessarily retain any memory of them. I can often look back at things I've written -- both code and text -- and have them look almost completely unfamiliar to me.
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