I rolled my car. Wednesday morning, on my way to work, around 3:45am. There were massive thunderstorms moving through the area (though at the time of my crash it was only raining not storming). Deer in the road, hydroplaning, flipping - yes, upside down. Called 911, the whole deal. It was dark, wet, scary...you get the idea.
So there's a fun story to tell, but I've told it a lot and it gets sort of less fun every time....
In any case, need to get a new car since it's totaled now. I'm thinking a Ford Focus or Fusion...perhaps a Honda Civic. Probably used in either case since I wasn't looking to buy a new car for a little while longer. I was hoping to get on my feet a bit with the new job before making that kind of "investment", definitely bummed aboiut that. And frustrated at not having a car since I'm a very independant person and I'm getting carted around. On the true silver side I wasn't hurt, not a scratch. We still made it to the wedding (no bruises for the photos!) and I started my new job today.
More on all that later....