this heaven gives me mi-grane

Nov 03, 2006 18:13

i have a shattering headache. wow! how interesting.
halloween was the bestest. and monday and tuesday too. and that day when lewis helped me write the amnesty international budget...that was good
and the phone just won't stop ringing. 
and echoing through the house, which has been strangely empty for hours.
i am simply trying to be alone, simply trying to draw blue whales and chairs and candles on my paper. blue whales are so nice. they have very nice fins. almost like wings, so they can fly through the sea very gentle-like. i love that when you see x-rays of whale fins, the bones inside just look like long fingers. its all very lovely to draw when the world is very tightly clinging on you.

there are these people in southeast asia and they live on boats, and they've lived on boats forever, and they learn how to swim before they walk and they meet their boats and have markets and then go floating off in boat clans.

so i picked up the phone. it was my brother, calling from california. he is coming home monday. 
this is the best news all day, including the crazy rain storm.

at some point i must drag self to musical. do not want to go. need to go. perhaps a nap first. 
will i survive through that and french film festival at the bijou tonight?

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