Do you miss me?

Nov 26, 2005 23:33

It snowed today. My cousins say it's not much, but that's because they take snow for granted. It will not snow this much the entire winter back home in Washington. Anyway, I meant to go out an play in it but I just never got around to it. I was trying to write an analysis paper nearly all day. It sucked the life out of me. I can't stand analysis papers. Whenever I write one I can't help but think how trite and hackneyed it all is. It hurts my head and my self esteem a little to think I can't possibly come up with something new to say about all this Literature we've been reading. I want to be smart, I want to be original - but I'm pushing myself so hard I think I've worked myself into a cold. The space between my eyes is worked into knots and knots and I have horrible congestion.

You can't force it. I can't, anyway. I have until Wednesday... and it's just a rough draft that's due, but I really want it to be well-done... so my professor can tell me how to make it awesome.

That's right.

Not just good.


I went on a walk to the cemetery today. I always do that and I don't know why. I just do. It's quiet there. I like quiet places.

I am tired, so I think I should wrap this up. I have all these things that I want to write - pretty little images I want to paint in my journal - but I am not feeling very eloquent tonight.

I like how snow glows at night. It makes you feel even better sitting inside. There's gold everywhere. Warm gold.

Christmas is not so far away.

school, snow

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