Apr 14, 2013 17:49
Okay, so perhaps I should already know the answer to this question, but what do you do with old shoes and clothes that have holes in them? Goodwill won't take them, as I understand it, and they're not worth trying to mend. Is there a way to recycle shoes and clothes (actually recycle, not "recycle by making birdfeeders" or whatever), or am I stuck just throwing them in the trash?
Also, The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod was really great! ...with two exceptions. I don't care much for HK-47 and thus did not enjoy the droid factory, and why is Atton's best scene only available if you get him killed? Not fair. Stupid Obsidian writer and "Oh, I can't write romance very well so I just skip it in our games." (I paraphrase, but he did essentially say this in an interview.) "Gritty Star Wars" is a nice concept, and you handle seedy dealings well, but maybe you should learn to stretch yourself when following up a Bioware game? It's not like you haven't done it before - same thing all around in Neverwinter Nights 2. But hey, for some obscure reason everyone thinks Kriea is a super-great character the likes of which has never been seen before, so I guess you get to feel special anyway.
"She isn't good or bad, except for the part where she's, you know, totally bad! That makes her subtle or something!" Have all of these people praising her ever read a novel? Or hell, played a JRPG? I suppose if you're used to God of War or whatever Kriea might be impressive, but honestly, characterization on as basic a level as hers should not stand out. And why pick out Kriea as the best character? Mira and Visas aren't very subtle, true, but there's a lot of interesting characterization going on with Atton, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden, and (in my mind most impressively) T3-M4. Even G0-T0, who I do not like, is rather well done. Maybe these accolades are because she gives speeches justifying why violence and ignoring beggars is totes a good idea, and she's essentially a Libertarian? Yeah, I bet that's it. Gamers are such suckers for technocracies and libertarianism, because they think they'll be at the top of the heap in such systems.
I was reading the credits for signs of any women working on the game, and the first female name didn't turn up for three minutes. They had, like, one female programmer, all female HR, and a few women in testing. Bah. Explains why Disciple sucks so much compared to Handmaiden, that's for sure.
All that said, I really recommend replaying the game with the mod. It feels complete now, and there's a lot of great set pieces. The Nar Shadda ending I thought was particularly good.