Jan 24, 2005 10:20
I've decided to go with a kind of work/school system for the bishie site (similar to Princess Maker 2) (yes, I will eventually also get around to making games and a casino and whatnot), so I'm looking for suggestions.
Pets will have a large number of stats which can be raised by going to school/working/random events/whatever. So... What stats would you guys like to see? The floor is open. We already have angst and rage and whatnot, so don't think anything's too silly to be taken under consideration. Or, conversely too basic.
Pets can make use of these stats by going to work. What jobs should be implemented? Actor, waiter, fighter pilot, feather clean-up detail... Similarly, are there any classes that would be interesting? For example, a math class could raise a logic stat or something. PE could build stamina, and history could increase rage or something. Some jobs will of course pay better than others, and some classes will cost more.
Further things to consider: Should there be hours for when pets are doing these things? For example, Heero is an office worker, so he works 9am-5pm, and Duo is a disc jockey, so he works 9pm-5am. Can you still take Heero to the duck pond at 4 in the afternoon? If Duo and Heero have a relationship, does it go on the rocks because they never see each other? Should I abandon the idea of hours entirely?
Of course, other suggestions that have nothing to do with stats/school/work are also welcome. ^-^
ETA: How about a scheduling system? The day is broken up into six regions, morning, afternoon, night, late night, witching hour, and early morning, and you can schedule jobs and classes in however. You can still take your pet to the duckpond whenever, though, provided they have *some* amount of free time in that schedule. And of course, if Heero wants to treat Duo to pineapple smoothies, they have to have compatible free time, but *when* that free time is doesn't matter as to when you can send them on their date. And of course, if your pet has no free time at all for an extended period of time they might just go into a murderous rampage, so better think twice before making We Fei the sole wage earner.
Or am I just making things way more complicated than they should be? Or is that good? Aghhhh...
that bishie thing