One hour and twenty minutes until Curiosity (hopefully) lands! You can watch NASA's livestream
here, and find a bunch of other info (including Curiosity's twitter stream, which I somehow have a hunch is ghostwritten)
here. It's a
cheeky little thing.
ETA: 25 minutes to go! I ate some ice cream, and now I'm sitting here practicing
eyelets while keeping one eye on the video and the amusing chat comments. (Favorite so far: "Curiosity is going to have to really stick the landing if it wants gold.") Such an unexciting, exciting night!
ETA2: Whoooo!
Congratulations, NASA! They even managed to get the
Odyssey to relay pictures (which you can also see on
NASA's twitter)! And I was able to sew some
pretty decent eyelets by the end of the night! Gold medals for everyone!