Jun 24, 2012 14:11

Finally starting Legend of Korra, and it's already great, of course. Favorite line so far: "I've been dying to ask you: what happened to Zuko's mom?!"

Man, I should really get around to reading the Avatar comics Dark Horse put out. The Promise looks pretty good.

Huh, apparently cars have been invented in the last 70 years.

Ah, the old "I don't have any money." Maybe Aladdin can show up in the next frame and steal an apple.

A Central Park hobo?

The anti-bending leader guy is totally Darth Maul.

The mafia now? Man, things have changed. It's like some very clever AU. Disconcerting, but I like it.

Oh, that was not a good idea. Never announce Avatar status if you can help it. Now the Triad's gonna be after you for the whole rest of the series, and who knows if they'll have a brooding teenager in the ranks for you to have UST with or not?

Can't figure out who the statue is of at the police station. Sad.

Lin's great!

------Episode 2-------

Pro-bending? Calling it right now - Korra is either going to fall in love with or be violent enemies with the star player.

Uh oh. A "leaf on the wind", eh?

Oh, yes. Forbidding all news of sports. That will certainly keep her away from the arena. Teizen == King Triton, y/y? When do we get to the part where he nobly sacrifices himself for her and Korra goes on a bending rampage in revenge?

Is Appa immortal?

Ah, Mako it is. And his brother promises to be this series' Sokka. I can live with that. Now, how likely is it that someone involved in these games is on the Triad's take? Possibly one of the Fire Ferrets, mmm?

I now hope she doesn't end up with Mako. Too obvious.

Nice job breaking it, Korra. She's worse than the Dirty Pair. At least they blow things up to save people.

Well, all's well that ends well. Looking forward to the rest of the show! Which is good, because I have just three days to watch it in or risk being terribly spoiled at Expo.

ETA: Amon's totally Talok. Got to be. Elaborate power-grab scheme.

ETA2: ...Or not. Didn't see that coming.

ETA3: It has been decided that Bolin and Mako's dead parents are clearly Shang and Mulan.


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