So apparently hoodies have joined short skirts on the list of clothing that implies "you were asking for it."
Oh hell no.
And when the people saying this (and there's enough of them that it's a genuine thing, and not just Geraldo shooting his mouth off) occasionally try to say that "any kid in a hoodie looks scary" as a rationale, we all know that's not true. I wear my hoodie everywhere in the spring and fall, and we know exactly how scary people think I am. It's about Black guys, or maybe Hispanics if they're not White enough.
To prove a point: I am reminded of a story a friend of mine told me sometime back. In some country or other, there was a problem with women being assaulted and raped on the streets when it got dark. Obviously, this was bad. The male politicians wanted to impose a curfew on women, saying they couldn't be out on the streets after dark for their own protection. But one of the female politicians was all "Excuse me? The women are not doing the raping. If anyone's going to have a curfew, it will be the men." Which is not to say that all men are rapists, of course, but I despise this blaming of the victim that so frequently occurs.
::googles:: Ah, apparently it was
Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel.