I made
shabu-shabu for dinner! It came out really well, too!
Gettin' ready to eat. There's baby bok choy, carrots, green onions, sweet red onions, and enoki mushrooms on the one plate, and lamb and Myojo Chukazanmai noodles (sesame flavor) on the other.
Why lamb? Because the whole reason I decided to do shabu-shabu is because I was at the Asian grocery store and saw beef and lamb for sale in already-sliced, frozen pieces, ready to go for the quick-cook method of your choice. Got lamb because it seemed more exotic, and it cooked up and tasted great.
Why Myojo Chukazanmai? Because I meant to just grab a thing of three-minute udon noodles, but didn't properly read the labels and grabbed that instead. Turned out that was just fine; they came with a tasty
rice-vinegar sauce that I really liked.
Lined up are three sauces for dipping: the aforementioned rice-vinegar sauce, some gyoza dipping stuff from Trader Joe's (flavored with cilantro, which was interesting), and shrimp cocktail sauce, also from Trader Joe's, because why not, that tastes pretty good on lots of things.
Oh, and Enoki mushrooms, it turns out, come in a bag that obscures their bottom half because you really don't want to look at the bottom half of enoki mushrooms. Great in shabu-shabu and stir frys, though.
Bonus game for my mother: can you spot how many dishes in this picture were gifts from you?
Boilin' stuff. It's hard to tell from the picture, but that's my electric wok you're looking at there. My mom and dad gave it to me when I went away to college, where it served me well. I'm pleased to have found another great use for it.
I'm totally going to have to do this again. It's really easy to make, especially when all you have to do for the meat is put it on the plate, and it feels so fancy. Yoshiko, you must try it!
ETA: Is the LJ spellcheck acting weird for anyone else? Like, it's highlighting all of my words in red, excepting only HTML. What's up with that?