ETA5: Cam I can understand, but Sweets ships them so hard it's ridiculous, and he's the one telling Booth to back off? I guess they needed a second person to drive home the point and no one else would make sense since Angela's an even bigger shipper than Sweets and Hodgins doesn't get involved in that stuff.
ETA6: That was a good line. Shouldn't Angela have better resources than Google though? And whatever happened to her machine from the first season, I liked that thing.
I wish they'd stop with the verbal points. I've complained about it before (particularly in regards to House), but it really is annoying.
I imagine whatever happened to that machine is the same thing that happened to everything that made Angela a likable character. Really, what happened to her? I didn't hate her at all back in seasons one and two; heck, I thought her romance with Hodgins was really sweet.
Seriously. I used to like her too and I totally shipped them as the B couple. I think it's the whole 'free spirit' thing, which a lot of writers have trouble with. It always seems to end up translating to selfish and insensitive and pretty much getting away with it because to give a perfectly reasonable protest is seen as being stifling and possessive. I can pinpoint the moment I started disliking Angela to the episode when, after being committed to Hodgins and not even remembering what her first husband looked like, she jumped into his arms and kissed him, and then got upset when Hodgins got jealous and dumped him with some lame excuse afterwards. At least he called her on it later but no one else seemed to bat an eye.
Comments 3
ETA6: That was a good line. Shouldn't Angela have better resources than Google though? And whatever happened to her machine from the first season, I liked that thing.
I imagine whatever happened to that machine is the same thing that happened to everything that made Angela a likable character. Really, what happened to her? I didn't hate her at all back in seasons one and two; heck, I thought her romance with Hodgins was really sweet.
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