My apologies to Heather. You can skip this entry. And probably tomorrow's, too.

Jul 13, 2009 20:59

I find it strange and possibly indicative of something wrong with me that, out of all the horrible things that have both been intimated and actually shown in Kuroshitsuji so far, it's Sebastian sleeping with a random woman for information that's disturbed me the most. Not one of those scenes where the dialog's full of innuendo but then it turns out to be completely innocent, which I was expecting, but genuine legs up in the air and everything.

Okay, armchair psychologists: are my qualms due to my puritanical, American upbringing and my disapproval of sleeping around without at least exchanging names first; the fact that it was completely out of the blue and out of character; or that, despite being a demon pledged to hang around only as long as it takes to collect Ciel's soul, I still totally think Sebastian should be saving himself until Ciel gets a few feet taller?

Great, now I'm most disturbed by what I'm pretty sure the answer is. Stupid anime.

On a cheerier note, I could watch this all day, which is good, because that's about how long it feels like it lasts. I've seen more than my share of Carameldansen vids, and this one for Hetalia is by far one of the best - you know, as far as Carameldansen goes. Also highly recommended is Romano's rendition of a song about tomatoes. Apparently he likes them. Who knew?

ETA: I take it back. Later events have now disturbed me further. Why in the world am I watching this show? ::cue episode devoted to finally detailing the servants' backstories:: Oh.

kuroshitsuji, hetalia

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