Jan 03, 2007 22:10
Gah. Feelings are stupid. So is school. I really want to transfer to Norman next year..Cause i don't see my friends much at school anyways. I'd still be able to hang out with them and such. Thing is, i'd not have to talk to anyone. I'd not have to deal with drama, and I could happily be an outcast with OPEN CAMPUS lunches. Solomon's attempting to make Sophomore have to stay at school as well. Which'll piss me off.
Feelings are stupid. Especially so when you're inexperienced in showing those feeligns, and are too afraid to tell people, fearing their reaction. But when i keep these things to myself, I'm not being truthful to my friends., I'm not telling the truth to the people that I care for, that care for me, and that are truthful to me.
I HATE liking more than one person at one time. It makes me feel like some hormone driven fucker. Even though both, I don't see it going well for me. Samara's been the only person that i've liked for about a year now, and there's been a recent arrival of feelings towards another friend. I still like Samara, but everytime i'm near this friend I feel all happy and butterfly-stomach-y.
I usually feel good when around Samara as well, but to hear her talk about the people she likes is..Painful. But it makes me feel better when I believe that she trusts me enough to share her thoughts. And that's when i start feeling bad and non-trustworthy. She tells me almost everything that happens in her life (As far as I know) but I don't tell her the things i'm most passionate about.
What would she prefer more? To have a nice friendly relatiomship, but have secrets kept from her? Or for me to be completely truthful and possibly hurt our relationship.. I know i've talked about this subject several times, but i can't get it off my mind..
I guess i'll just have to wait and see how things turn out.