Jun 02, 2011 14:41
It's no surprise to anyone who's known me for a while that I have bad luck with sewing machines. The ones at home (three of them, I think) all refuse to work for me. So imagine my worry and anxiety when Terra offered to let me borrow my sewing machine. It's been close to a decade since I even touched one of these things and I felt like a child trying to figure it out. But Terra, bless her heart, helped me figure out how to fill a bobin, replace a bobin (and I figured out how the whole thing went back in. I guess the whole thing doesn't come out. whoops), and replace a broken needle (it broke at the right time, I was almost done ><). I felt accomplished.
I finished my skirt! It's adorable and I love it~ Now I just need to figure out what to wear with it... I have a pink tank top and... I think that's it XD;;; I can't find my white puff-sleeved shirt and my cream colored top doesn't look right (it had to be tucked in because it has lace at the bottom).
I have a mini pillbox hat to work on, the same material as the skirt. I have some beads that look awesome attached to the hat, but I have no idea what else to throw on it. I have ribbon, of course, and some gold buttons that woud look lovely on it. Then there's the pale green see through fabric that I want to throw in somewhere.... gaah so many possibilities!
Then there's Snorlax for Akon. Not too hard, just add some fabric to a shirt and cut up another one to make a hat and gloves. Also, aparently there's a steampunk event friday night. If I can get into it I've got something to wear to that. My new skirt might make an appearance as well as my plaid dress. idk yet haha.