Dear f-list,
Sorry for dropping off the face of LJ! My finals are finally over and I can start living again (for this precious short period of time T__T)
I've been lurking a lot, occasionally dropping comments. Good to see that most of you are doing well ^^
I haven't been to any new dollmeets or played with my boy recently, and I feel so bad for Ae and Reyn... ;_____;
So I FINALLY cleaned up Ae ^^ He's been getting blackish lately
hehe only headshot because the boy is still nekkid :X He's wearing new eyes! ED Milky #32 high dome :3 I love how they catch the light! The look kinda dark here because it was taken with my hp cam and it was indoors x___X but in real life its very pretty!
I still wanna get him his light blue eyes though :/
Type your cut contents here
I love him so much ;_____;
Im going to redo Reyn's faceup tmr. Ae has some chips on his faceup T__T Hope it lasts longer though...I still like him this way!.