blogcrews :))

Feb 20, 2000 08:33

[last updated : 4 april 2009]
because i really love massu :33

Anyone can give love to { Masuda Takahisa }
But the only one who can give him more than just love is ME ♥

my life was so pale
until 「 Masuda Takahisa 」 came
and make it even more colorful
than ♥RAINBOW♥

I've opened up the door to my heart
Masuda Takahisa is an umbrella above my head

• B A B Y S K Y •
All the dreams and hopes
Made of Masuda Takahisa's eyes
『Masuda Takahisa』is my cupcake; sweet and tasty until the last bite.

now i can care less about concert goodies,fanclubs and tickets because i already got ♥[Masuda Takahisa]♥ why?you're jealous?

♥ {Masuda Takahisa} is my rhythm ♥ A gift in my life, Giving me beautiful dreams, always.

" I will believe so the two of us can be together in love I’ll hold your hand forever, don’t let go, let’s make a promise, the two of us A pair of thoughts, now they can come together and from a whole Just the two of us" - [Masuda Takahisa] -

» Masuda Takahisa «
Finding someone like you,
is like catching a shooting star.
both [Masuda Takahisa] and me like to share cotton candy after having fun at the amusement park.♥
my spring will definitely be colourful with ♥masuda takahisa♥ by my side
[masuda takahisa] will be like THIS when he is full ♥ adorable,right?

When [Masuda Takahisa]
me It tastes of

[Masuda Takahisa],Even if it's someone like me, I can get stronger if you're with me Love is a strange magic, I'm not afraid of anything Even if everyone around the world turn into enemies, I'll never let you go
MASUDA TAKAHISA + ME + BED = LIFE COULDN'T GET ANY BETTER! ~Masuda Takahisa~ Sometimes he's the stick in my side At others he's the stick in my pants

OMG STFU! -MASUDA TAKAHISA- is calling me!!

MASUDA TAKAHISA leaves me notes like ↑↑ this ↑↑ wherever I go.
Aren't you jealous?

MASUDA TAKAHISA and I made c u p c a k e s all afternoon

And he let me lick the icing off his finger

Even when the skies are grey and gloomy
and it's raining so damn hard outside...
When I see MASUDA TAKAHISA smile
the world seems
b r i g h t e r

~Hehe~ MASUDA TAKAHISA is my L I M I T E D      E D I T I O N ♥beanie baby♥
Move over chocolate MASUDA TAKAHISA is my new addiction
MASUDA TAKAHISA I'll be your razor if you'll be my Sweeney
^__^ MASUDA TAKAHISA said I was as cute as a ☆ strawberry ☆
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