I forgot what I was going to say. It's been so long...so very long. *caresses blog...then looks up and sees people staring*
Ahem, anyway, it's not like I haven't been around. If you follow me on
Twitter, then you know I tweet (or "twit" as I call it, because that's what most of my tweets are anyway) several times a day and probably annoy all of my friends by spamming them. Although, I'm pretty tame compared to the Seaside Motel twitter who spammed me something crazy the other night while he or she was one of the stage greetings for the film. In a way, though, it was kind of cool knowing exactly what Toma was doing at the very moment I happened to be watching American Gangster.
Very little seems to be going on fandom, at least, things that I want to write about. I guess, too, I've been using Twitter as a micro-blog and posting random thoughts there. Whenever I don't post for awhile, I start wondering why I have this blog at all. Pretty much all of my flisters post stuff from their real life, and while I do that sometimes, my original intent for this blog was a fangirl journal. I tend to forget what I used to write about and start wondering how I can write things that entertain people.
And that's tough, you know. But I guess I shouldn't think about it and just write whatever I feel like, maybe even (omg, scary) stuff about REAL LIFE. I usually say this about once a year, so I guess it's time for that. But there are still many fandom things to write about. Hello, too, to mah new pallies
kieok and
jadeswallow from the latest JE friending meme!
In the meantime, it's SUMMER. Sort of. Not yet. But close. The humidity is KILLING ME. I moved into the summer dorm for work yesterday and the air was thick enough to swim through. I've been waiting for four weeks to get back to work and get fast internet again, and now I'm here...and it's very boring. Everyone is gone for the summer, so I have no one to hang out with. Even Dr. Ishii went back to Japan to visit her parents in Hiroshima and go to an academic conference in Tokyo. She totally could have taken me! I don't take up much room! And she's there while Seaside Motel is going on...sigh...
But I guess, while she's gone, I should start working on Japanese Culture Club stuff for next year. After all, I'm still technically President, and last semester's activities didn't go as well as hoped. I'm all for taking suggestions, by the way, for those of you who have been in Japan-related clubs before. I also want to pick back up with my Japanese study, which I had to forego for awhile due to the hell of the Finals Dragon. I'm not even halfway through Genki II yet, and it's been almost three years. Yes, I am a horrible Japanese student. At some point, I'll do another post on Japan-related blogs to follow because NihongoUp! wants to be added to that list. And by the way, they just interviewed my Japan blogger idol and future husband (hehe)
Gakuranman about why he came to Japan and what he did to become pretty fluent in Japanese.
The PV for flumpool's "
reboot~あきらめない詩~" came out, and it's...interesting, to say the least. It has monkeys. Creepy monkeys. VERY CREEPY MONKEYS. They're kind of cute while they sit down and play music, but then they get up and start moving...that's enough nightmare foder to last two weeks. Also, I wish they wouldn't focus so much on Ryuta. Sure, he's the vocalist, but us fans love all of the boys. The song itself, I'm sad to say, sounds so similar to their other stuff. I don't think I'm going to love this song. I'm happy they've gotten away from ballads, but can I whine just a bit and say I want another dark song like "MW ~Dear Mr. & Ms. ピカレスク~" You know, something kind of hard core. The boys are focusing on making uplifting music, but sometimes it gets old. Sometimes we just want a kind of dark, hard rock song. I know, I know, I shouldn't whine. Especially since poor Ryuta is going to have throat surgery soon.
EDIT: It's been a week or so since I wrote that, and now the song won't get out of my head. The more I listen to it, the more it is different than their other stuff. I've been wondering why I like flumpool so much when I know their sound so well that many of their songs sound similar. For the same reason I used to really love the Killers. In fact, "reboot" reminds me a little of the Killers' sound.
Speaking of not whining, I want "BE FUNKY!" to come out already! I actually like TROUBLEMAN, even though by now it's obvious where it's going. I have a feeling Shige will be responsible for everything. Poor Shige. He just can't get a break, even in dramas. But back to the "BE FUNKY!" I am in love with just the clip of the song. I'm hoping for an amazingly awesomely awesome video preferably with running a la Shige in the ending of TROUBLEMAN. Please, Johnny, not another video of them partying in a random room. I want to love NEWS again. I WANT TO LOVE THEM AGAIN.
One thing in fandom I have been keeping up with is dramas. I even marathoned Seito Shokun! (over a couple of days, but whatever) for the first time in a long time. I started watching Yankee-kun to Megane-chan and am amazed that while I can't see Nari-kun as a high school student at all, somehow I do believe him as a high school student. He's so cute, pretending not to like Adachi, and then imagining all sorts of things about her confessing to him. I want Nari-kun as Mr. Wickham in my Japanese remake of Pride and Prejudice. Maybe MatsuKen for Mr. Darcy. Anyway, still keeping up with Sunanare (I'm about to sob because of episode 9), Tsuki no Koibito (it's getting...better...ish...I'll finish it, I guess), TROUBLEMAN (fun times!), Kaibutsu-kun (more fun times! AND MABO FINALLY), and Tumbling (so ghei, but I love love love it). Even managed to finally watch Don't Laugh at My Romance, which is why I'm voting for MatsuKen as Mr. Darcy now.
At night I've been reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami and finally finished it last week. It was a really good book, but I always felt kind of dazed after putting it down. Partly, I read it because of the film that's coming out and curiosity about what it would be like. It was a good story about a college student who floats through life not really caring about anything except his former best-friend's ex-girlfriend Naoko, who has psychological problems. There are a lot of interesting thoughts about life and about looking inside yourself for answers. It has a sad ending and some dark moments, but it's also a sweet love story. The music in the book is a character in itself, and you can really imagine life back in 1969.
Looking at the cast now, I'm not sure I can imagine Kukuchi Rinko in the role of Naoko. Don't get me wrong, she's an awesome actress. I absolutely LOVED her in Liar Game 2; however, she looks too old to play the college freshman, Naoko. I don't doubt she could play the role, but it's going to be hard believing she's that much younger. The other reason I wanted to read the book has to do with my creative nonfiction teacher, Dr. Rigby, who said one night in class that our generation is painfully not well-read. It made me mad because I've read so much, even if it's not classified as "literature" or full of things I can't understand. So I decided to start reading more "literary" stuff, and what better place to start than in a country where people actually read paper books more often.
Okay, the kids are at dinner and things have finally calmed down. I need chocolate and the Nodame Cantabile movie.
Ja ne!