
Oct 13, 2008 16:42

I am not sure when i am going back to Bakersfield. Sarah, my new friend, is having three separate couch surfers over her place tonight, so she is having a dinner party. Our friend Ted who we both stayed with at separate times in Yosemite is driving to the Coast to hang with us. Hopefully Ted will be down with doing some hiking-I've been itching to ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

dfynggrvty15 October 14 2008, 18:07:16 UTC
You should run in the Long Beach Marathon next year. I rode my bike in it years ago and I plan to do it next year. Well ride tandem with my dad, lol. Lots of fun!


aredspree October 15 2008, 17:11:45 UTC
marathons are a little long for me-Eric ran the LA marathon and now he has knee problems, and people seem to always die from marathons and these are people who are in way better shape than me. However, maybe I will ride my bike instead.

when is the LB race?


dfynggrvty15 October 16 2008, 22:04:42 UTC
It was just this past weekend. Usually it is mid-Oct. It would be fun next year!


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