Mar 08, 2005 09:58
Ok so I am still mad about things in my life...why do some people assume things?...something totally innocent gets thrown back in my face as something that no body else saw it as that one person did...including me...not only is that not what i meant it was a totally innocent comment meaning nothing the way that person took makes me mad also that they won't let things die....things i can no longer change...what do you expect me to do kick her out and say no you can't live with us anymore b/c things didn't work out for this other person?...i can't do that...all you talked about for the past 3 months is what you were doing next year...we asked but you weren't sure and we had to go with someone that was sure...that is the last time i am saying it and trying to justify it...i feel like i always have to defend myself and my actions with you these days...what happened? all i know is i can't do it say all i have been talking about these days is myself when you are around me...well i got news for you all you talk about when we are hangin out is like i said in other things i have no problem with him but there is no need for him to be brought into our fights b/c not everything is about him...i realize i have an attitude lately and that is what i tried to tell you with my reply is that i don't know what is wrong with me...but before last night it had nothing to do with you...ok venting over...maybe a second time of getting it out will help...