Jan 05, 2005 22:05
So here's the story...Martha asked today if me and Tasha wanted to go to El Toro tonight for dinner and kareoke...I said if she paid and she said ok...we went and Gene came and it was fun...we got bored and left with Gene and we took his car and left mine...went to pick up a friend and saw Martha at a gas station and she said b/c the power had gone out she didn't pay the ticket she had just left...I go back to my car get in and begin to drive away...get flagged down by a lil mexican man and had to pay the ticket which included Martha and James drink tab...30 bucks...grrrr...I called her and told her that she owed me money and seemed pissed that I didn't just floor it and leave...grrr...she hung up on me and has yet been a bitch yet again...my dad has told me to just give up but I hate having to look like an idiot to all these people b/c of her actions...so in conclusion to my rant...sisters suck and you should never invest in one...