(no subject)

Jul 10, 2011 18:14

HAPPY BIRTHDAY toodelicious!

May it be full of cake and hugs and people who love you!

Before I forget... thank you bunches for the kisses! :D I've been away at work and then busy with uni stuff and I completely failed at being a decent flister (who is surprised? /o\) I'll try to make it up to you with a couple of random doodles
Sorry for the low quality. My dad has been using the scanner at all hours, I had to resort to camera pics :\

Um. So I was bored at work and I kept thinking about this Kushiel!AU and so this came out. One day I'll grow a pair and draw it properly... omg! Nakedness! What have I done?!

I have been messing around with cardboard again! Did I ever tell you about my love/hate relationship with Cardboard? I love it, but working on it is a pain. But I love the texture. I believe I once bored Nic to tears talking about how I love/hate working on cardboard...

If you follow me on twitter you've already seen this. Also, I'll come out and just say it: Mark is a joy to draw. If I could, I'd draw doodles of his unimpressed face and sheepdog curls all over the places.

Day #37894889292 of me being in love with steampunk failboats. Carry on.

and some recs! :D?

This WWF video is gorgeous! Everybody should watch it!

Deathly Hallow is almost here! My sister and I have been flapping our hands at each other for a week solid and we keep looking at each other and getting choked up. Our childhood ç___ç
Anyway, Tumblr is bursting with HP graphics and I stumbled upon this one and it made me remember that while I was an HD shipper through and through, I also loved loved LOVED Harry/Luna. My very most favourite H/L fics ever: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast and The Wonky Dating Lexicon. Read them, enjoy them, love them! (and if you have HP recs to share GIMME ALL OF THEM!)

laria-gwyn has been reccing me stuff to read at work like a fairy reccing godmother and every single one of them has been a joy ♥ This week the award for Most Brilliant Rec goes to Under the Table and Dreaming (ToyStory, Andy/Sid) and its sequel To the Dogs or Whoever.

'Sup, flist? ♥

art, hallmark who?, art:tsn, recs:fic, art:bandom

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