doodle-dump time!

Jan 31, 2011 18:31

Hello flist.
Welcome to another doodle-dump post. Today's show features silly, crackish, AUish appearances from Arthur, Eames and Ariadne and the Panic! boys travelling through time and space aboard a blue police box. Do not judge me! I was prompted!

A long time ago, in an LJ entry far far away, angelgazing prompted me with "Arthur/Eames, lightning".

...Look, I know that there's no lightning to speak of in that thing up there, but that's really how this Cupid!AU thingie came to be. No, really. She said lightning and my brain went "Yo! It's Cupid!Arthur timez! \o/". Now, this first second incarnation of Cupid!Arthur is quite tragic. I didn't set out to make him look sadder than a three-legged sheep, but I couldn't stop thinking about how Cupid!A must be a very lonely guy, too busy fixing other people's love lives to take care of his own little heart (oh god I still tear up when I think about it ;__;). angelgazing and I were very sad about this turn of events but we couldn't find a way to fix it, and so I dumped that doodle in my album so as not to see that mopey face anymore and tried to forget about it.

Fast forward to January and me watching Fantasia. You remember the Pastorale clip? Where all the centaurs get to be paired up with the centaurettes except one? Long story short, I wanted an AU of it with Ariadne as a fawn.

And since I'm trying to stay away from all things hooved (yes, there were plans for A/E as centaurs but, ah, centaur porn romances are a prerogative of HP fandom), Arthur kept being a Cupid and since I still failed to come up with a plausible plot, you only get the part of the story where Hermes!Eames take matters (and Arthur's litte heart) in his own hands.

I tried to bribe angelgazing into writing a drabble for this, but not even Surfer!Eames did the trick *pouts* (also, ignore the water. I clearly need to learn how to draw stuff before slapping it on paper like that)

Also, also. Someone should stop me from perpetrating this nonsense (read: the NorthernDownpour!AU where Eames leaves graffiti art all over town as messages for Arthur. angelgazing says this one below is the one he left to tell Arthur he was leaving town.) RIGHT NOW DDD:

Tbh, though, the idea of Eames going around leaving a trail of graffiti love notes came from doodling this cover for my doodle playlist

Anyway, enough with the Inception blabbering. Let's move onto the Panic! boys who appear to have raided The Doctor's wardrobe! wethepainted agreed with me and then we decided to have an art exchange and she prompted me with Doctor!Brendon and Amy!Spencer" :D (she totes got the short stick. I prompted her with "Sherlock drinking tea" and I already know her piece will blow this one out of existence!)

Speaking of art exchange, would anyone be interested in one? The walls beside my desk are half empty (yes, I'm going the negative route here) and I'd love to clutter them up with doodles from my flist :3 They wouldn't be too elaborated or anything, just a simple doodle/sketch on the back of a postcard or something like that. So, um, idk, let me know?

I feel guilty about clogging your flist page with silly doodles so have some art recs that are actually worthy of your attention:

- This Sherlock-inspired drawing by wethepainted. I love love love Ace's style and this drawing is just precious. Look at all those curls! Look at the shading! Look at the draping of the skarf! ♥

- ordinaryink continues to bring artsy sparkle in my life. This week she did so with this gorgeous Goblin. I am utterly speechless and also a lot in love. ordinaryink has a way with colours that makes me want to weep in awe. Click on the link and come be amazed with me.

- I have this habit of strolling around DA (as in DeviantART, not DoodlersAnonymous) for hours and a while ago I stumbled over this brilliant brief explanation of colour theory by Purplekecleon (if flash doesn't work for you, you can see it here. Et si vous êtes français, il y a aussi une version française). I'm not sure how many people would be interested in this, but I thought I'd share anyway :)

In other news, I need to get my act together and finish my assignment for the eames-arthur exchange, resolve the stupid problems in my IBB piece, do the one for ReverseBang and turn the sketches for bandomvalentine into actual drawings. Deadlines, why must you breathe down my neck? Also, did I miss the BBB artists sign-up?

recs:art, art, art:inception, art:bandom

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