Title: Your Scent
Artist/Manipper: eviltwin
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: For short piece of fiction. Nothing is claimed to be true and no profit is made!
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
Jared looks at Jensen from the bed, watches him move around the room.
"Looks good on you."
Jensen lifts at the hem, pulls the t-shirt up and breathes in. "Smells like you," he says.
"Is that a bad thing?" Jared spreads an arm, rests it on Jensen's empty pillow. The invitation's accepted and Jensen comes back to bed, crawling over him until they're nose to nose. Jared grabs fistfuls of the loose shirt in his hands and holds Jensen where he is, tongues slipping together. Jensen's mouth drags over his jaw and he buries his face in Jared's neck, breathes deep.
When he speaks again it's muffled, but Jared knows that he's saying, "No."